Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sept. 27, 2010

Yep I got the package but I just sent the dmv paper thing to the mission office a couple days ago so I should be getting it signed and everything next week or so and then I will send it back to you. So funny about Nick! It is good to get an email from grandma and grandpa again. Although I feel like somebody forgot to write me this week. (Alisa). That is so crazy that Grandpa Bill is 91 already! And is Alena really practicing to drive with pops cause I don't know if that should be allowed, nor dating! Alena are you 16? I could of sworn you were 15! Chiste! Ella Mientes! No es Verdad! Yo espero que mis padres No Permitan mi hermana menor para salir la casa!
Anyways back to me. This week was really good. Javier was Baptized and confirmed! IT was so awesome. Octaviano and Catlina are on date to be baptized together on the 30th of October! and came to church! And this week was really awesome because I have been praying in order to have muchas oportunidades para compartir mi testimonio y Dios ha contestado mis oraciones. It has been so awesome cause nothing brings the spirit in like a testimony and so I really have felt the spirit so strong this week. And I think it is just so awesome how you can bear your testimony on the same thing every week and the spirit never gets any weaker in fact it feels like it gets stronger. And that is just a witness in itself about our message being true, because anything else that you had to do every day would most likely get old, but a testimony just keeps growing as your desire to share and your love for the people grows. And I learned that this is the key to being bold this week. I know it says that in the scriptures it teaches us this about love, boldness, and testimony. It is one thing to read it and it is a whole other thing to feel it connect when you are teaching. Because we were teaching the Garza family here in Warden; and basically they would be baptized most likely except they aren't married. And they aren't married because if they get married then the wife will lose the aid that she has, for the 14 different types of pills she takes and they don't have the money to pay for them. But I love Elder Gillespie (He is the new Elder with us) cause he is a stud and told them our purpose and then Elder Pound who is also a stud reads 1 nephi 3:7 and I know that the spirit is telling me to bear my testimony. And it was so powerful and they knew exactly why we were there and that we wanted them to be baptized because we loved them and that God was gonna make everything work out. And I told them how I realized that this is something that is a lot to ask for; to put all your faith in God and the things that we have taught, (I mean becasue if we were wrong she could literally die because she needs the medication) but I told them how this was something that I would not ask of them if I did not know it was true. I would not take that risk because that is just not me. But how I knew it was true with all of my heart and how I would put my life on this book being true, and of course I was crying, but I knew this is exactly what the spirit wanted me to say. And so we invited them to pray about it as a family. And I don't know what is going to happen there, but I do know that God was working through me, and I knew that I truly loved them afterwards and I know they felt my love; and that is all that matters and the rest is up to them. I am really hoping they pull through. And there is of course a lot of stories like that, but I kinda felt like that one started my recognition that there is no such thing as fear in love, and faith. But that is about all I have time for. I love yall so much and thank yall so much for the prayers. Keep them up for the people here. Have an awesome week!

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